You’ve taken the plunge and made your own playdough (check out our DIY recipe), now what? There are endless ways to get creative with playdough, but sometimes a parent could use a little inspiration. Here’s a few ideas to get you started.
1. Roll out playdough snakes to cut - it's a great first-cutting activity for toddlers.
2. Poke spaghetti or any other pasta shape into playdough shapes.
3. Use pipe cleaners and googly eyes to make faces in flattened playdough
4. Grab your Insect Toob and use these creepy crawlies to make bug fossil prints in the playdough. Don’t forget a magnifying glass for a close-up look!
5. Borrowed from the Hands On As We Grow blog, have your little one practice hammering golf tees into playdough.6. Use playdough for a spelling lesson. Roll out long pieces and match them up to letters that you’ve drawn on a piece of paper.
7. Get out some fancy dishes or cupcake liners and fill with playdough ice cream scoops and sprinkles.
8. Use playdough as the cement to make structures using sticks and rocks.
Happy playing!
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