5 Mess-Free Rainy Day Activities

5 Mess-Free Rainy Day Activities

By Michelle Mady

Last fall, it seemed to rain every weekend. Like, EVERY WEEKEND. We are an outdoorsy, camping-style family. It was tough. But then it started raining on many weekdays, too. And while it was tough to get through, there was a sunny silver lining: I have perfected the “rainy day activity” plan for kids of any age. A lot of indoor activities require mess, planning and preparation, but for me those activities were out of the question. So, to save you from rainy day despair, here are my top 5 activities with minimal mess, next-to no planning, and easy prep!

Human Coding

At this point, we have all seen the simple coding games and toys for children. We set up a series of movements and the toy follows our directions. But have you ever tried that with people? You can do this in a few ways depending on how much prep you want to put into it, but basically you make a set of directions for someone else. 

In our house, we blindfold one person, then shout out directions, like “2 steps forward” and “turn to the right.” We work to get the person from one place to another. You could also make cards with directions on them for someone to follow and lose the blindfold, but be warned: that planning tends to minimize the level of belly giggles!

Play Games Wrong

Ever play scrabble where you have to use only made up words? How about a timed game of “Uno” where, when the time goes off, the person with the most cards wins? There’s always a round of “Chutes and Ladders” where you climb up the slides and fall off the ladders. Use some well-known games in your house – ones that everyone is super comfortable with the real rules – and spice it up. Just last week my family played “Scattergories” trying to match all of our answers.  


Movie Sing-along

This one is great for the younger crowd. Watch a well-loved Disney movie – you know the ones, with lots of singing and dance numbers. But this time, do it with a twist: mute the movie during the songs and see if everyone can sing along. Unmute a few random times in the middle to see if you are keeping up the right tempo. Older kids can also try and copy the dialogue while muted. Make sure you use the right voices, too!

Put on a Show

I know, you have heard “Mom, watch this!” a thousand times in the past few days. But what if when you heard that, there was actually something to watch? On the next rainy day, have your kids put on a show for you. Set a timer for at least 20 minutes and tell them that is how long they have to rehearse. It can be a dance, a play, or even a shadow puppet show! Once they are ready, head in and watch. As a bonus, pop some popcorn and add some fun toppings like chocolate chips or parmesan cheese to make the show even more special.

Go Outside

Most of these activities are great because you don’t have to go outside. BUT if the temperature isn’t too cold, let your kids go jump in a puddle or make a mud pie. Sure, this doesn’t exactly meet my “minimal mess” criteria, but if it is a bath night anyway – why not earn that bath? I have sat inside by my window watching my kids get absolutely drenched in a summer rain storm.  When they were done they went right to the shower and put on some comfy pajamas. It is still a favorite memory of theirs (and mine!).


About the author: Michelle is a mom of 5 children ranging in age from 5 to 15.  As a toddler and preschool teacher, she shares experiences, activities and guidance to other parents, as both a parent and as a professional early childhood educator, at any stage of their parenting journey.

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