5 Hilarious Underwear Books for Kids

5 Hilarious Underwear Books for Kids

By Kathryn Peck

If you’re a parent of little ones, there’s no denying the fact that underwear is hysterical. Just the mention of it, and kids can’t stop giggling. When I was a preschool aide, the teacher used this particular angle of engagement to her advantage to introduce the letter U. The kids loved the topic, but they also loved the books that followed. If your kiddos love underwear as much as my own do, here are 5 must-read books about underwear.

“Creepy Pair of Underwear” by Aaron Reynolds and illustrated by Peter Brown is perhaps my children's favorite story of Jasper Rabbit in this series. In this super silly tale, Jasper insists he’s not a little bunny anymore and wants a new pair of big-bunny underwear. When the lights go out, however, this pair of underwear has a “ghoulish, greenish glow” that puts Jasper on high alert while he desperately tries to get rid of them. He stuffs them in the bottom of the laundry hamper, throws them in the garbage can, and even buries them in the ground, but they keep coming back. Soon, he learns to appreciate the glow that comes from his underwear and finds them not-so-creepy after all. 

“Attack of the Underwear Dragon” by Scott Rothman and illustrated by Pete Oswald, is a story about a young knight and a dragon (who happens to wear underwear). Cole is made an assistant knight to the brave Sir Percival, who’s only not-so-brave around dragons, particularly the one in underpants. When the Underwear Dragon attacks the kingdom, it’s up to Cole to save the day. 

“Return of the Underwear Dragon” also by Rothman and illustrated by Oswald, offers readers some insight into the Underwear Dragon. It turns out he wasn’t disobeying signs that said not to attack the kingdom in the previous story, but rather he cannot read the signs. Cole’s latest quest is not to slay the dragon but to teach him to read. And the perfect celebratory gift? A pair of alphabet undies, of course!

“The Frog Who Lost His Underpants” by Juliette Maclver and illustrated by Cat Chapman, is a silly rhyming story about an agitated frog in search of his stolen underpants. With help from his friends Teddy Bear, Little Chimp, and Big Gray Elephant, they march through the jungle “looking in the lakka leaves” for his undies, only to discover them in the playful hands of 100 spotted jungle frogs. The jungle frogs decide to wear underwear, too, which makes Frog sad as he no longer considers himself unique. That is, until he decides to wear his underwear backwards!

“Polar Bear’s Underwear” by Tupera Tupera is another tale of lost underwear. This time it’s Polar Bear that can’t find his unmentionables. Turn the pages to see a different animal in underwear that may or may not be wearing Polar Bear’s pair. Is that Polar Bear's striped underwear? No, it's Zebra's. What about that itty-bitty pair of underwear? No, those are Butterfly’s underwear. Will he find them? And if so, where?

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