
"There is no way to be a perfect mother, but there are a million ways to be a great one."

Keeping Those Little Teeth Healthy

Recently, my toddler had his tooth removed, a procedure that required general anesthesia and a ton of worrying (from me). He’s fine now, but the experience had me thinking about how challenging dental care can be sometimes when kids are so young, and they can’t really express themselves, but how important it is at the same time.

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Cure Picky Eating with a Vegetable Garden

I am a mom of five, and of those five children, three are extremely picky eaters. I’ve tried everything to get them to try new foods, with not much success to speak of. Then I stumbled on the idea of using our family vegetable garden. Getting my picky eaters involved in planting and growing vegetables also got them involved in eating vegetables. 

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Dos & Don’ts of Hosting a Baby Shower

News of a baby on the way is exciting and often welcomed with a party where the mom-to-be is showered with attention and gifts. But all-too-often she leaves the party feeling overwrought and anxious about the big day. If you’re hosting, here are a few do’s and don’ts to keep in mind that’ll help your guests of honor truly enjoy this special day.

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Party Favors Ideas that Parents Will Actually Appreciate

Just think: What if you offer your children’s guests a great party favor that meets all of your criteria and also makes parents appreciate the favor, rather than stress about finding it when their child suddenly “remembers” it? Here are 3 that just might make the cut. 

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Signs That Tell You It’s Time to Stop Swaddling

It takes time to master the art of swaddling, and once you do, it’s probably time to stop. While each baby is different, most babies no longer need swaddling between 3 and 4 months of age. But don’t go by a number; here are several telltale signs that might indicate your baby should not be swaddled anymore. 

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Listen Up! 3 Games to Strengthen Your Child's Listening Skills

Children just aren't good listeners. That's not anything new. But there are ways to support (and even increase) listening skills in children. Here are 3 simple games that can help flex those listening muscles and make you, the adult, feel a bit less ignored.

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Getting the Most Out of Your Kid’s Museum Membership

I’m always on the lookout for easy field trips with the kids, which is why I frequently purchase memberships to local museums and zoos. But membership is oftentimes about more than just getting through the front gate. Check out these extra ways to get the most out of your membership and your overall experience.

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How to Eat Out with Kids & Avoid Total Disaster

The intention of going out to eat is good; it’s meant to be a night off for parents and something different and fund for the kids. But sometimes the very idea of going out to eat is more taxing than just making dinner at home. There are ways to make a night out with the kids less stressful and even, perhaps, fun for everyone. 

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4 Easy Activities for Toddlers with Too Much Energy

Toddlers seem to have an unending amount of energy. If your kiddos are super active and have some pent-up energy, it’s best to ride that wave and move along with them. Here are 4 no-prep activities that are guaranteed to help little ones expend some of that bottled-up energy. 

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